Monday, April 11, 2011

Trump on the rise!

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Donald Trump is known as one of the wealthiest men in America there is no argument about his ability to make great business decisions. The Trump brand ranges in many things from hotels to TV reality shows. Keeping this in mind let’s look at Trump’s latest surrounding controversy. He is stating that President Barrack Obama cannot physically supply a birth certificate from Hawaii because he was actually born in Kenya. Then he goes on to mention the statement from the president’s Grand-mother where it was also mentioned during a translated interview. He then points out that the Obama campaign did place a document online however it was not a birth certificate but a certificate of live birth. Now I would love to believe that the “Donald” is a pure hearted man but I cannot believe that he would pass up a chance to rile up so called “conspiracy theorist” or anyone for that matter so he can be portrayed as an American hero right before running for presidency.
Any thoughts?

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