Sunday, April 24, 2011

Republican turnover

I have an idea! Why don’t we wait till people’s emotions are at their weakest state and report some historically great strides for the U.S. Afterwards we can wait about a month or two and take it back. Is this not a tv reality series? It starts to look like the master puppeteer is pimping our existence. Simple laws protecting people, animals, and land are being overturned in a spiteful manner degrading the people who took the time to support these issues. As we move into the future the government support and basic human rights seem to be diminishing at an alarming rate. Put it this way, when a law has to be overturned protecting animals in cages, it only makes you wonder what benefit our congress has from torture. Maybe that meat crisis will be averted after all. (wink, wink)

Does anyone’s voice count anymore?

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