Monday, April 11, 2011

Has name brand lost its ability to hit high markup?

“Most people think that creating a website is a simple task that only takes a few days.  In actuality it can take over 3 months to complete a website. Every individual page has to be created and designed.  Any professional designer will tell you that it could take months depending on the type of site you need. The process of designing a website is a tedious one.”
Graphic designer for AI of Pittsburgh
When making a statement like this most people who are avid internet users will immediately reject this idea. However the goal of this post is to get the readers to pay attention to word play. Websites seem to be more for high powered corporations in these present times and wordpress/blogs are the cost effective alternatives. An individual or small business owner can set up a page or site and pay for a masking feature that gives you a url with the name of your company followed by a dot com free of the original sites name. This gives you the appearance of an official website. You can do this and have hosting for a year all for under 30$ compared to an official website which can cost well over a couple thousand dollars. Most independent graphic designers can take on free lance jobs through business owners and set up one of the many sites including flash for a few hundred. One thing that can be said is that people will use the lingo and over charge so make sure you know the difference so you don’t expect more than you paid for either. Turnaround time for these sites can be a few weeks or a few days which makes it all the more popular.

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