Saturday, April 30, 2011

NCLB war for their minds

{abc news}

We hear the slogan all the time, but few actually know how it actually works. The goal of the program is to hit 100% on the proficiency level gap by the year 2014. That is a poorly distributed percentage because it automatically throws every school into a failing rate. This could be what I like to call “common sense test”. Let’s be honest “common sense” is not something that hits every student at the same time nor should they be forced into developing faster. It basically teaches there is only one right way to get to the solution and does not allow for thinking outside of the box. Also think of it as car insurance when a person selects minimum coverage, it covers a very general issue, leaving the rest up to chance. These standardized tests are creating little drone workers. Most people who were born before calculators have no problems when the cash register malfunctions, however when a say fifteen year old faces the same problem it becomes a difficult task. The more we standardize and make learning mechanical, the more unique individuals and free thinkers become retrained or possibly eliminated from the system all together.

How has the No Child Left Behind program affected your community?

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