Monday, April 11, 2011

“To Protect and Sex”

{source H.N NEWS}
Let’s discuss the story of two NYC cops who responded a call made by a cab driver about a woman who was too drunk to make it out of his cab. When the police men arrived at some point in the night they took turns sexually assaulting the woman. Video surveillance outside of the building shows the officers coming in and out of the building and even shows one keeping a look out while the events took place. Now aside from all of this, since it would be an issue of whether it was consensual sex or not, the victim has also presented a recorded conversation between her and one of the officers. The recording has the officer telling the woman he wore a condom while it happened. As children we are taught to look to law enforcement for help , but the echoes of a community are screaming for justice. How can we look past something like this then be expected to turn the other cheek. We cannot the answer has to lie in the selection process.
Are you and your community living in fear of law enforcement and if so what requirements can be imposed to screen for abusive law enforcement?

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