Friday, April 29, 2011

Personal Information Age

{abc news}

People have been lashing out about apple and their “spy” apps lately like an angry mob. This in my opinion is a mistake. These companies pay people to figure out trends and niche markets. At what point did we ignore the personal information given out by ourselves. Just do a personal assessment that includes registration, email, social networks, and etc. Think about check-ins and Google locators, which are totally voluntary. Don’t get me wrong if a person’s phone app stores all their information for a year it’s definitely a cause for concern. My argument is pick whether its temporary or for a long period of time. Even without apps most of our electronic devices are locaters (including some Identification cards) , even helping some people out in court cases because of stored information. My analysis of it says, it’s not good or bad, it’s how it’s being used.

Are we misleading ourselves?

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