Sunday, March 27, 2011

Really Don’t Insist

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Do you trust the FDA? Mercury fillings have been a longtime concern of the public when it comes to health issues. We know today that the element mercury has many uses in our society but it is toxic to humans. When mercury levels are high enough it can cause poisoning and other serious side effects such as:
  1. Gum problems. The gums become soft and spongy, the teeth get loose, sores may develop, and there may be increased saliva.
  2. Mood and mental changes. People with chronic mercury poisoning often have wide swings of mood, becoming irritable, frightened, depressed or excited very quickly for no apparent reason. Such people may become extremely upset at any criticism, lose all self-confidence, and become apathetic. Hallucinations, memory loss and inability to concentrate can occur.
  3. Nervous system. The earliest and most frequent symptom is a fine tremor (shaking) of the hand. A tremor may also occur in the tongue and eyelids. Eventually this can progress to trouble balancing and walking.   
We should be provided a safer alternative for dental health in order to be able to function at full capacity!

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