Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slick as oil x2
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The American people, especially the ones living throughout the coast in states like Louisiana, have suffered a great deal of tragedy with the BP oil spill. The local businesses that thrive off tourism and fishers to maintain a living are back under threat. Another source of oil has been spotted by fishers stretching for miles over the water. Even though attempts have been made to lure tourist back to the gulf region the latest developments make those adds look a lot less heavenly when it comes to vacationing this year.

Everybody hates Chris

What do Vikings, Olmecs, and Native Americans all have in common? All point to Christopher Columbus as the “lip-sync” star of the discovery world. Even if we do count the people who already dwelled there as part of the discovery, a person must wonder about the possibility of former explorers. After all artifacts, maps, and history are all indicators that not just Europe was interested in the American continent before 1492. As the country develops, more is revealed about its cultural history than the political one. In my opinion the history that pre-dates Columbus discovery is far more exciting and meaningful than explaining to a child the country they live in was colonized because of an accident.

Really Don’t Insist

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Do you trust the FDA? Mercury fillings have been a longtime concern of the public when it comes to health issues. We know today that the element mercury has many uses in our society but it is toxic to humans. When mercury levels are high enough it can cause poisoning and other serious side effects such as:
  1. Gum problems. The gums become soft and spongy, the teeth get loose, sores may develop, and there may be increased saliva.
  2. Mood and mental changes. People with chronic mercury poisoning often have wide swings of mood, becoming irritable, frightened, depressed or excited very quickly for no apparent reason. Such people may become extremely upset at any criticism, lose all self-confidence, and become apathetic. Hallucinations, memory loss and inability to concentrate can occur.
  3. Nervous system. The earliest and most frequent symptom is a fine tremor (shaking) of the hand. A tremor may also occur in the tongue and eyelids. Eventually this can progress to trouble balancing and walking.   
We should be provided a safer alternative for dental health in order to be able to function at full capacity!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sink or Swim

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 The figures of this site are showing that 26.6% (128,585) houses in the Cleveland area have negative equity. It is hard to argue about the topic when there are homes for sale on almost every street. Homes are being lost in what seems a trade for new businesses. The home-owners who can pay on the mortgage have no options in the event of an emergency. The only way to not be dragged through the mud is to pay up. Most people are becoming desperate and wonder if they should eventually relocate before they have the bank hunting them down for paper work or a hefty sum.

Is the city you live in worth waiting for an increase?

It’s A Two Way Border

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According to this article the U.S. could is falling behind in the race to be number one due to the loss of recruits. It is actually claiming that legal immigration should be handled differently because it is more costly to the development and financial establishment in America. It would be hard to imagine this country without the work of inventors like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. The Atom bomb could be in the hands of another country, and New York would not be such a bright destination for world travelers. The method for approaching contributors of this nation should be improved.

Are we underestimating the value of foreigners or the value of our Department of Immigration?

Give Us, Us free (auto-tune voice)

The options we have these days are amazing! Marvels like stem cell research, to holograms and etc. These are the things that make people proud to be alive in this century. However human labor is a problem that seems to stretch backwards and forward through time. This is a problem that should be addressed when we have people actually being replaced by machines losing jobs on one side of the globe. Big business seems to monopolize the value of the human life when they refuse to supply one end but overstock on the other. The people of today should have no need to be in slavery with the wealth of information circulating today.

Do you think slavery will ever be abolished worldwide due to technology?

Something They Can Use

Often students complain about the sense and application of their math classes and certain general education programs. When other languages of the world are interpreted, they are found to have math, science, and art, combined. Similar to this is the field of graphic design which includes things such as logos, illustration, and marketing. Instead of learning about the use of something not likely to be encountered, they can learn a very resourceful way to bring forth their ideas into the world. This would open up new options for them and give them an understanding of how such a big part (products) of the world around them is sequenced to achieve results.

Should parents assume the responsibility of teaching children advertising and graphic design if it is not added to general curriculum?

Food- Goggles and Hunger -Vision

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Advertising often does a great job of enticing buyers but lighting creates magical scenery out of thin air. Once people become excited and experience feelings of pleasantry, you can literally sell them something rotten. Taking this into consideration it’s painfully obvious where most of the money we spend goes….advertising!

Will we eat anything as long as it looks good?

Jenga of the Jungle

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We have been ignoring the other pieces of the puzzle when it comes to the eco-system. Every animal on the planet has a natural program so that system can be maintained. When a species of animal dies, many humans are upset because they know they will not see that animal exist any longer. Well the facts are these animals are a link on nature’s chain so over time the disruption will have an effect on those species as well.

 Aside from the negative effects, can anything positive come from the restructured food chain or is the balance destroyed forever?

You reap what you embed!

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After watching this and the video after on twitter, I must make a comparison to my observations so far about marketing your brand online. Keeping a positive yet realistic attitude helps people not be intimidated. Next the less is more factor seems to work really well when dealing with online relations, people tend to be turned off by boastful or elaborate stories. Last but not least show interest in your online community so you can identify your supporters by the type of response received.

What are the most effective tips for advertising on the net?

Hack Me With Your Best Bot?

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Apparently if we create it we can re-program it. There has been another surge in video game system sales because of units like the X-box Kinect. This system is a motion capture module which allows the gamer to interact with the consul using his own body as the remote. Since it was made available to the public, consumers have been reprogramming the Kinect  to do things like put a render of themselves in the game, see how your bones move, or to a more practical use as a tv remote.

Do you think people are not impressed with the latest gadgets and therefore are trying to speed up the evolution of technology?

No Bailout for Outer-space

Since the beginning of man space travel has been the spark for a sea of innovative ideas. We have gone from planes to rockets and satellites to space stations. After all we name our products, tell time, and plan things out according to the understanding of celestial bodies. Life with no finance is a “depression” but life with no cosmic company is acceptable whether or not it’s a part of human foundation. Financial issues at NASA have the future of galactic expeditions on a down spiral.
Do you believe that the budget cuts for space exploration will hurt or help the U.S. and its development as a country for the future?

In The Name of Science Go!

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It seems that the race to find an alternative fuel source has been over for a quite a while now. The thing is, most are wondering where all the hype has gone. The argument has gone from, we like it, to we don’t like it, then to the question of when it is going to become available for everyone. As the world moves toward a “cleaner/greener” environment the consumers are achieving last place on the “important things to do list”.
Do you think researchers are being funded with the intention of solving the fuel crisis, or perfecting a cost effective formula that is ready to be distributed on a mass scale?