Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Puerto Rico: the 51st State?

In July of 1898, during the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico (at the time a Spanish Colony) was invaded by the United States with a landing on Guanica.  As an outcome of the war, Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, and Guam at the Treaty of Paris.  Thus, a partnership between Puerto Rico and the United States began.  Initially, Puerto Rico was under the military rule of the United States, and official like that of the governor was picked by American Presidents until the Island became a commonwealth in 1947.  Today Puerto is a commonwealth of the United States; the people enjoy American protectionism, citizenship, and other particulars that come with commonwealth status.  However, the people of Puerto Rico are a very proud people who enjoys and celebrate a rich culture and identity.  Also, they are exempt from certain taxes and laws that people in the U.S must abide by. 
In the United States, as well as Puerto Rico, they are two schools of thoughts that pertain to the question of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state: one portion would like to see Puerto Rico become a state, and the other portion would like to continue the status quo.    
Question: what do you think?  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Obama Presidency

Just a thought in a form of a question: President Obama campaigned that he would in fact close Guantanamo Bay (the prison base in Cuba where the U.S government is holding fighters found on the battle field) if elected President of the United States.  Thus, why is still open?